Corporate Wellness Plans Impact Mental, Physical Health
Those considering implementing a corporate wellness plan for the office should read this post. The benefits are well-documented and varied. Read them here.
Corporate wellness plans are more than just a popular buzzword. Sure, they have been around for a while, but as researchers get a better picture of the tangible ways that wellness plans benefit companies, employers are taking them more seriously.
Corporate wellness plans are a win-win for both employees and employers. They make employees happier and healthier. This benefits the employer through
less sick days, better job performance, and higher productivity.
They also save employers tons on their health insurance programs. A study found that under corporate wellness plans, workers
comp costs declined 50 percent!
Companies are becoming more aware of the links between the mental and physical health of their employees and the health of their organization overall. That is why more and more companies are investing in solid wellness plans for their employees.
But how exactly do these plans work? In this article, we will show you what makes for a good corporate wellness plan.
What is a Corporate Wellness Plan?
Basically, a corporate wellness plan is any company’s strategy to look after its employees’ health.
These plans can include company sponsored exercise, diet advice, weight loss programs, activities like yoga and meditation, stress management workshops, and mental health programming. Really, their only limits are the creativity of their planners and the company’s investment.
The company sponsors this program and covers the costs of employee participation.
How Can a Corporate Wellness Plan Impact Physical Health?
The impacts of a good corporate wellness plan on physical health are easy to notice.
This is because most corporate wellness plans focus pretty heavily on physical health. Mental health, which we will discuss next, is sometimes overlooked but is no less important.
The physical benefits that can come from a corporate wellness plan are far-reaching and depend on the plan’s offerings.
A plan that includes diet and nutrition advice can lead to employees eating healthier. This, in turn, increases their energy levels and reduces the frequency and severity of illnesses like colds and the flu.
Meanwhile, a plan that includes activities like yoga, are an easy way to get employees of all fitness levels involved in exercise. They increase flexibility, balance, and flexibility. They also improve muscle strength and toning, making participants healthier overall.
There are some major health impacts that many different types of corporate wellness plans can provide. They can improve blood pressure, Body Mass Index (BMI), cholesterol, glucose levels.
They can also target behaviors that cause health problems such as smoking.
How Can You Involve Employees in Physical Health Wellness Programs?
There are many great ways to motivate your employees to participate in physical wellness programs.
Offer Classes
Offering classes, such as
yoga or strength training, are a great way to get people involved. Employees will be excited to have the opportunity to take a class for free, or even at a reduced rate.
It also provides a time for employees to bond and get to know each other. This makes the class, and exercise itself, more enjoyable, increasing the chances that employees will stick with the program. This means they will be more likely to make meaningful change in their overall health.
Run Competitions
Sometimes, a sense of competition can bring out the best in people.
Offering a small prize for participation in the wellness program can increase participation rates and get employees excited.
Host Expert Seminars
What better way to get employees to learn about healthy nutritional habits than a lunchtime seminar?
By having experts in to talk to employees, you can ensure they learn a great deal in a relatively short amount of time. They can take the information that they learn, and apply it to their habits.
How Can a Corporate Wellness Plan Impact Mental Health?
Oftentimes, it is harder to measure the impact of a mental health wellness plan. You cannot calculate pounds lost, or how much faster someone can run a mile.
Even if they are more difficult to quantify, mental health wellness plans are just as important as physical health ones.
Just like with physical health, the costs of mental health distress are high. Stress, depression, and anxiety can lead to higher rates of absenteeism.
Employees dealing with mental health difficulties are less focused, less productive, and less likely to stay with the company over the long term.
Clearly, the same amount of focus should be put into mental health wellness programs because they can be incredibly effective.
There are a number of ways that a company can look after its employees’ mental health. Seminars offering stress reduction and management techniques can help employees gain control of stress both in the workplace and at home.
Workshops on mindfulness, skills like organization, and meditation can all help employees improve their mental and emotional health.
Holistic intervention plans, which incorporate physical and mental health treatments, can be effective against mild forms of depression.
A company can also consider adding mental health benefits to their overall health coverage plans.
Tackling Mental Health Issues Within Your Organization
When adding mental health care to any corporate wellness plan, it is a good idea for employers to take stock of their organization.
Are there particular issues in the work culture that could lead to mental health problems for employees? For example, if employees tend to work long hours, they will likely be stressed and have difficulty finding a healthy work-life balance.
Or, if your office set up is keeping employees from socializing, people may feel isolated and lonely.
The best way to build an effective mental health corporate wellness plan is to figure out the unique needs of the employees in your organization. Then, you can tailor it directly to them, making it more likely to be effective.
Wrapping Up
A good employee wellness plan looks after each employee’s physical and mental health. Programs that target nutrition, fitness, stress reduction, and overall mental wellness can make employees happier and healthier. This, in turn, leads to great benefits for the company itself.
The benefits of a holistic employee wellness plan are clear. Need help getting started?
Contact us for more information on ways you can implement a successful wellness plan in your organization.
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