Some people assume that wellness programs don’t help lower compensation claims. That they are just one more expense to the employer. This couldn’t be further from the truth, and here’s why. Read on to find out five ways in which wellness programs can reduce workers compensation claims.

1. Prevents injuries and illness from happening

What if your employees received training on how to sit properly at a desk and when to take breaks? What if they were instructed on the proper stretches to decrease the chances of carpal tunnel syndrome? You see, it’s training such as this that can prevent injuries and illness from happening in the first place.

2. Helps to increase overall health

According to a 2012 Gallup poll, employees that had a high well-being had 41% lower health-related costs than employees who were struggling. And 62% versus employees who were struggling with their health. If we have wellness programs in place, such as gym access and nutrition classes, employees’ overall health stands a better chance of improving. If we look at the stats, this means wellness programs stand to increase ROI. Since wellness programs put employees in contact with health resources, there’s a good chance that fewer compensation claims will be filed.

3. Helps the very unhealthy

According to a Harvard business review article, “Ensuring the chronically ill in disease management programs that ensure they get appropriate care has the most potential to reduce insurance premiums.” This makes sense given that, according to the article, the chronically ill make up roughly half of the compensation claims. To decrease the claims, it’s important to provide the chronically ill proactive ways for them to manage their illness. You can also expect an increase in productivity and workplace engagement. This is because healthier employees take fewer days off.

4. Creates a positive workplace community

Let’s face it, we need the motivation to achieve our goals. Getting on the treadmill every day and planning out meals can be an arduous task. So why not do it together? Having gym access, physical therapy, holistic intervention, yoga, and health classes starts the conversation. Instead of only talking about the upcoming project, employees can root each other on in their health goals. Even some will work together, making it more likely for positive health changes to occur. In fact, according to this article, a supportive community culture is one of the seven things that employees want in a wellness program. Plus, you’ll most likely see an overlap in work, as teamwork and morale increase.

5. Establishes a better work-life balance

Employees who participate in physical activity increase their endorphins. In case you don’t know, these are neurochemicals that make you feel happy. This will also lower stress. Both of these aspects are important in having a good work-life balance. As employees will be more present at work and in their personal lives. This makes it less likely for employees to turn to negative coping methods. Also, this will make it less likely for employees to need mental health services such as counseling to deal with depression or anxiety.

Compensation claims can go down

Wellness programs aren’t all talk. If the right program is in place, it can reduce claims. What other benefits have you seen in wellness programs? Leave a comment!